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Survivors & Thrivers

Posted by: TraumaResilience Tags: , | Categories: News


Dear Friends,

It goes without saying that 2020 has been an unprecedented year for our nation and our community. Our hearts break for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we find hope and purpose through the Black Lives Matter social justice movement. As an essential service provider for Denver, I am so proud of our staff, who have worked tirelessly to offer our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in creative and socially distanced ways.

While we do not know what 2021 will bring, we do know that CTR services will remain available (both in-person and virtually) and free of charge. Our services provide critical assistance that help survivors become thrivers. Since 1987, your gifts have helped us serve over 215,000 people and distribute over $1.2 million in financial assistance.

Please support our efforts by making an end-of-year, tax-deductible contribution. As always, 100% of your contribution benefits those we serve. Thank you again for your continued support.

Cathy Phelps, M.A., LCSW
Executive Director

CTR Milestones

1987Denver Victims Service Center founded
1990Elder/Disability Program
1996Children, Youth and Families Program
2001“That Jazz Thing” premieres
2002Martin Luther King Jr. Business Social Responsibility Award
2003Name changed to The Denver Center for Crime Victims
2004VAWA Legal Solutions/Translation & Interpreting Center – Mi Gente
2006Expanding Nonprofit Inclusiveness Initiative
2007Oprah Winfrey’s Pay It Forward Program
2008Compassion Fatigue Workshops for Professionals
2010Identity Theft Hotline
2011Purchase of agency building
2012Trauma Sensitive Yoga — Befriending the Body
2014State Historic Society building renovations
2015Name changed to The Center for Trauma & Resilience
2016Published Nonprofit Transformed Cathy Phelps’ book
2017Winner of the Best Nonprofit to Work for Award (3rd year)
2018Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture introduced
2019Old School Affair Signature Fundraiser created
2020Just Us Socials – Self Care and Social Justice

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