Death is an unpredictable and inevitable occurrence we are all promised to experience in our lifetimes.
Death is an unpredictable and inevitable occurrence we are all promised to experience in our lifetimes.
Years ago I started to pay attention to what others were saying about the mind – body connection but my mind continued to be primo even in my contemplative practices.
Protests, oppression, boycotts, lost friends, fatigue, quarantine, police violence, town halls, depression, hard conversations, stress; we are all currently in the mire that is the current state of affairs.
“By choosing this position, I’ve made the decision to invest more of my life in this organization and this community—a community where I’ve felt comfortable and accepted since joining—and wish to live as authentically as you have all modeled.”
My friend and I both actively participate in self-care plans that have an element of challenge. We decided to raise the bar – for one week she would take off her hijab (head covering) and I would put one on. …
We all know the “Can’t, Won’t, Don’t” person: the client who says they want to function better; the employee who says they will perform better; and the family member who promises to change—but—they don’t. On the flip side, helpers know …
I am a survivor of violent assault. I was 27, a working college graduate enjoying my independence. My life was altered in moments. I survived. They caught the man two years later as my insurance companies concluded they would not …
“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” -Maya Angelou As I make my exit as the president of The Center for Trauma & Resilience Board of Director’s, this quote from Maya Angelou …
Being the only black female student in a graduate program is rather tiring. I felt as if I was the speaker of all things black. White individuals sought after my opinion constantly on black teens being murdered by police and …
In 2015, The Center for Trauma & Resilience, formerly known as the Denver Center for Crime Victims (DCCV), was nominated for the Best Nonprofits to Work for 2015 award and here is why this agency deserves the title. I am …